
How To Download Matplotlib On Mac

How To Download Matplotlib On Mac 7,1/10 1290 reviews

It creates a chart with animation, and this animation works fine on Windows and Linux, but on Mac OS it just doesn’t show up. Here’s a video demonstration: If video doesn’t play in your browser, you can download it here. Problem; Solution. The right backend. With pyplot.rcParams; With matplotlib.use; Problem. The full script is published. Conda install linux-ppc64le v3.3.2; linux-64 v3.3.2; win-32 v1.5.3; linux-aarch64 v3.3.2; osx-64 v3.3.2; win-64 v3.3.2; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib. Matplotlib: Installation/Set-up This is a short tutorial on how to install Matplotlib in macOS (10.4/Mojave). We will use the pip package installer for Python. Download matplotlib for Mac 2.1.0 for Mac. Fast downloads of the latest free software! Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Check out our home page for more information. Matplotlib produces publication-quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.

I’ve got a weird problem with one of my Python scripts. It creates a chart with animation, and this animation works fine on Windows and Linux, but on Mac OS it just doesn’t show up. Here’s a video demonstration:

If video doesn’t play in your browser, you can download it here

The full script is published here.

To run the script I installed only matplotlib and numpy packages, so the environment on all 3 systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) should be the same. Just in case, here they are:

I’ve tried other simple plot animation samples (for instance, the ones from matplotlib documentation), and all of them work fine on Mac OS, so there has to be something wrong with my particular script. However, the fact that this very same script works on Windows and Linux confused me a lot. As a side note, you might have noticed that animation speed is different between Windows and Linux (the latter is faster), and I’ve no idea what could be the reason of that either, though it’s not so important here.

I’ve also tested my script on 3 other Macs with different Mac OS and Python versions installed, just to make sure that it’s not my environment who messes things up, but it was the same on all of them - no animation showing up.

How To Install Matplotlib Mac

After submitting a question at Stack Overflow and also at matplotlib forum, I thought about reading the documentation (classic).

The right backend

There I soon enough discovered the backends section. That helped me to google some more ideas, for instance this answer shown what’s needed to make animation from my script work in Jupyter notebook - just a single line in the very beginning of the script:

Office 2016 mac direct download links. And then animation started to work. Okay, so what backend does Jupyter uses in this case then:

It returned TkAgg - so that’s what can show animations in my script! Now I only need to set the same backend in my standalone script.

Mac Matplotlib Chinese

By the way, if you are curious, without %matplotlib Tk Jupyter reports module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline value for backend.

With pyplot.rcParams

Using the same print statement, I’ve discovered what backend is used by default when running my script in terminal: MacOSX. Right then, so this backend is incapable to run my animation for some reason. But since I now know the backend that is capable, I’ve set it like this:

But even though it reported a new backend in the output, the animation still wasn’t showing up:

So setting the backend via plt.rcParams['backend'] isn’t supported? That’s a bit unexpected, as according to the documentation, it should be.

With matplotlib.use

Anyway, after some more googling I’ve found this answer, and that was what finally worked:

Now my script runs and shows the animation. It also prints the following warning to the output:

…which is due to the fact that default Tcl/Tk on Mac OS is outdated (8.5 at the moment), and if you (like me) are getting Python from Homebrew, then it won’t be trivial to link it with the latest version of Tcl/Tk. But for now it works as it is, so it’s all good for the time being.

[17.09.2020] Update: Fixed script

As it was pointed out in the bugreport, the line is added anew to the plot each time inside animate() function, instead of modifying existing line, and that’s what was causing the chart to go all rainbowy.

After fixing the script like this:

I now get the following result even with default MacOSX backend:

If video doesn’t play in your browser, you can download it here

How To Download Matplotlib Library

Almost good, except for this horizontal line (by the way, it’s not present with TkAgg backend). Setting blit=False gets rid of this line, and also causes the animation to play considerably slower (but that’s not really a problem).

This webpage provides instructions to install Matplotlib in Windows and Mac.

For Windows

You can download Matplotlib for Windows at http://matplotlib.org/downloads.html.

he the downloaded library version should match the Python version we are using in the lab. For instance, when you open the URL to download Matplotlib, you will see different versions:

You should download matplotlib-1.4.3.win-amd64-py3.4.exe if the computer is 64-bit Windows platform. “matplotlib-1.4.3” denotes the version of Matplotlib; “win‑amd64‑py3.4” means this library works on 64 bits Windows platform, with Python v3.4. Similarly, if your computer is 32 bits Windows platform, you should download matplotlib-1.4.3.win32-py3.4.exe instead.

If during installation you get an error saying that Python 3.4 is not found, but you are sure that you have Python 3.4 installed in your computer, try the following:Open IDLE and check the version of your python 3.4 (32-bit or 64-bit). Download and install the 64-bit matplotlib if your python is 64-bit; otherwise download the 32-bit one.

Matplotlib Mac Os

To find out whether 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows is running, please checkhttp://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/which-operating-system, or http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/find-out-32-or-64-bit

For Mac

Matplotlib was not supported on Mac before. But now we can install it on Mac!

First, search Xcode (a developer tool) in App Store. It will be the first one in the search results. Install Xcode!

Next, open a terminal, and type the commands shown in the following.

After the installations are finished, check if numpy and matplotlib are installed successfully. In the terminal, type:

You will enter python 3.4 if you have it installed in your computer. Then type:

If an error ImportError: No module named 'numpy' is raised, then numpy is not installed successfully.

Similarly, to check if matplotlib is installed correctly, type:

Mac matplotlib chineseDownload

How To Install Matplotlib

No error means successful installation!